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Drummer wanted for East Midlands Folk Rock band

Hi all,

My band are looking for a new drummer. Our previous drummer left us around 2 years ago, and although we have three drummers that will happily dep for us, during the summer it’s prooving more difficult (and it’s harder to learn new material too!). We’re all around the 20 – 30 age range, so would prefer someone in that area. We all work too, and although we’ve got a few major folk festivals lined up this year, the band is always our hobby and something we love doing!

We have youtube videos scattered around, but they’re all pretty bad quality to be honest. The best one is here:…

Based in Northamptonshire.
Current line up: Melodeon, Acoustic guiter & mandolin, Electric guitar and some crap bass player.

If you’re interested, or know anyone who might be, drop me a message and I’ll get back to you asap!


Comment ( 1 )

  1. Sorry, the youtube link didn’t display correctly. It’s:

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