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Drummer wanted for rock band

We are a band called Supernova and we are currently looking for a drummer to join us asap.

We don’t care if you’re a boy or a girl or if you’re the best drummer around. Just be cool, around 20 – 26 years of age and play decent drums and we’re all good.

We have been a band for about two years but are currently reinventing ourselves a bit. For now the band consists of Wiktoria (vocals and lead electric guitar) and Victoria (bass guitar). We both live in east London, so if you live around east/north London that’d be a plus. We have a rock-orientated sound with some riffs and blues influences.

We are fans of Oasis, Arctic Monkeys, Led Zeppelin, DMA’s, Public Access TV, The Stone Roses, Albert King, Slaves, Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Royal Blood, Pretty Vicious and the list goes on.

You can check out some of our old stuff on

If you’re interested – or know someone who is – then throw us an email at and we’ll take it from there.

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