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Sound Engineer wanted

We are after a sound engineer to become part of our band and travel with us as part of the Tall Trees Rising crew.

Please listen to our music on our website and read our statement “Our Call” via first off, to see if you connect with our vision -which is really important. If you think our band may be for you, get in touch!

As of this year we have an agent, which is seeing us getting at least expenses paid for gigs and sometimes some extra, though rates vary at present.

We meet every 6 weeks on average for a team day (normally in Cheltenham) which is a vital part of the team building, where we share thoughts, food and have a good music rehearsal time. Although we are spread out as musicians (4 in Cheshire/Stoke, one in Chippenham and one in Bristol) which can mean we can’t meet up for rehearsal as regular as we would like, all are expert musicians and dedicated to the band, rehearsing in our own space and communicating regularly.

Even if you are curious, do get in touch! Get on board and see how things work out.

Email Tracey:

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