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Vocalist Needed

THE Frontwoman needed for all male young original 3 piece band.

The band have been gigging The East Midlands area for the past year – including a slot at The Rock & Blues Festival – and are musically tight and proficient with both a professional outlook and gear.

Musically described as a heavier Nirvana with elements of old school punk, modern metal and moments of melody thrown in to create an overall BIG sound.

Your vocal ability, personality and input are both necessary and vital to help take the band to the next level.

Band members ages are 15/17 & 17 so applicants should also bear this in mind.

If this is you and you have what it takes – PM me here. Auditions and rehearsals will be in Hucknall.


Comments ( 2 )

  1. This my link
    Open arms by journey
    Faithfully by journey song

    This is my email

    Tnx you

  2. Hi I’m jatc ibarra from Philippine I what to audition in your band or group my style of my singing like journey. bon jovi. led house if you interested just email me

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