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80's Rock Tribute Band Need Vocalist!

Unfortunately we have just lost our vocalist! Yankee Rose need a great vocalist/front man for a 1980’s Rock Tribute band. We are playing songs by bands such as Whitesnake, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Motely Crue, Ratt, Ozzy, etc. This is a serious project playing biker festivals, private functions, clubs etc. We have an agency, gigs booked and great equipment, PA. lighting rig, pro recording equipment, video production equipment, band transport etc. please look at our website for more info on the band: or please message for more details.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Have you guys found anyone yet? tried to add you on fb but can’t sent pm but not seen. My line id..simonp77

  2. We are base in South Essex UK.

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