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Keyboard/ synth player wanted for new wave originals band

We’re an established originals band, and have recently released our first fully produced album. We play new-wavey art-rock, with male and female lead singers. Our sound is melodic, dramatic, powerful and quirky. Our songs are tightly written and catchy.

Currently we are promoting and gigging our album, looking to expand our audience beyond the 100 or so people who regularly come to our shows.

We think that a keyboardist/ synth-player would add a fresh dimension to our sound.  We’ve not had synths, keys or effects/samples in the band before and are interested to experiment in these areas. The opportunity is available to add a new dimension to established songs, and moreover to become a signature part of the band’s sound as we move forward with new material: we almost have enough written for a second album already but the arrangement of those songs is open to creativity.

Our ideal keys player will be excited to explore the possibilities of our songs, and will be happy to gig once every 1-2 months, more when opportunities arise and audience is there to support it. Able to rehearse a couple of times a month, usually evenings (initially more often if you desire it).  We are a group of good friends with a long history so we would like you to be a sociable, easygoing and fun guy/gal, with a professional approach to music-making and promotion activities.

As you can see we have plenty of material to work with; but we welcome new influences and ideas and you are very welcome to bring your own songs to the party.

We gig in London but are open to promoting further afield. We have a good reputation and a network of venues and other musicians. We have put on our own nights but usually join existing lineups when we perform. We have merchandise: currently CDs, badges and t-shirts. Our main songwriter is also an artist and has created an art show which we use as a stage backdrop whenever possible. Check our website for songs, videos, photoshoots and other details –

Applications are encouraged from people of any age, gender, or hairstyle. We’d be happiest if you were to become a new friend as well as collaborator, and we look forward to meeting you. Let’s work this out together!

Contact us through this site, or call Robin 07943270933; or see contact page on

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