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Advice on finding musicians for a wedding

Hi, I’m a music nut (play violin, piano, guitar and lately a little ukelele, unfortunately all rather badly) and really REALLY want some good live music for my wedding near Banbury in June. Most little girls think of their dress, the only thing I ever remember thinking was that I wanted a violist playing something beautiful when I walked down the aisle. I know a few folky musicans in the area but unfortunately not very well. I’m probably going a bit overboard but I would love to have either a violinist or harpist for the ceremony, then some sort of festival-type vibe, perhaps acoustic guitarist with vocals in the afternoon. We had to book the ceremony for 12 pm as that’s all that was available so its going to be quite a long day and I want to keep people entertained. Then I would love to have a ceilidh in the evening. I know I’m being quite greedy here, my only excuse is that music is my passion. Now we are not totally scrapped for cash and can afford to pay something but I am trying my best to stick to a budget. I know from experience that there are loads of amazing amateur musicians out there who often love the opportunity to perform – in fact I’m pretty sure I can get my old fiddle group to do the ceilidh. There will be amazing food and I’m planning on making it a pretty unforgettable day (hopefully in a good way!). I’m happy to pay something but not sure if our budget will stretch to most professional musician fees (I’m still planning everything).
Basically wanted to feedback from whoever is out there
– advice on getting in touch with local amateur musicans?
– anyone reading this feel like playing at my wedding :)?
– what is the going rate for professional musicians if we do go down that rate?
– what would be a fair fee for a good amateur musician?
I suppose the best thing will be word of mouth and chatting to people – will definitely start putting feelers out but thought I’d do a bit of online reconnaissance first!

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