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Drummer Wanted


We are looking for a new drummer to join our band Late Night Legacy. We have already secured some huge festivals this year including Kendal Calling so ideally we are looking for someone who is technically sound but also doesn’t mind playing in front of large crowds. Last year saw us play in front of crowds as big as 8K. We are an incredibly dedicated band which means a lot of your time will be asked of you so please only apply if you are willing to put equal effort in.

We would appreciate if you could e-mail links of any tracks/video where you are playing.



Comments ( 2 )

  1. Did you find a drummer yet?

    This ad has been up a couple months.

  2. I’m Jim Bachun. Professionnal Drummer form Mauritius. I’m free and wanted to join your team. I’ve put the link of my FB account… cause I don’t have my own website…An on youtube you can have a look on some videos that were put in by other musicians just by looking on my name… Wish to have a good news !!! I can forward my cv so that you can have an idea of my backgroud as musician.

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