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Function Work for Musicians and Singers, 60+ events per year!

earcandy are delighted to announce their Bristol auditions are being taken place on the 16th and 17th of September 2012 at Factory Studios in Bristol.

We book hundreds of function events every year, and we are expanding our books to Bristol. Check out our live acts at

We’re looking for musicians and singers who fill the following criteria

– A professional musician with at least 2 years of professional experience.
– Great attitude, stage presence and very talented
– PAT tested equipment, and holds public liability of at least £5 million
– Available to begin gigging

How to apply?
We have limited places available, so visit:
and fill in your information today.

Please note we only take on individual performers, not full bands

Good Luck!

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Essex-based bassist/vocalist. Gigging for 20+ years. Excellent equipment and transport. Available for a high standard, gigging covers band (perm or dep arangement). 07771 902716

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