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Guitarist Available West London & Berkshire


Experienced Guitarist with work/life commitments seeks band for occasional gigs.

Interested in Progressive Rock type stuff, but more song based than noodling. I like textures & delays but I do like to riff & solo. Would love to find a band with a keyboard player maybe.

Rush/PorcupineTree/A Perfect Circle/ Floyd/ early Verve/ Explosions In The Sky/
Swervedriver/ Marillion/Opeth/
All About Eve/Sabbath/ Editors etc.

Over 25’s. I have a life, like a pint & am pretty easygoing.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Jamison70 how do I contact you? I’m finding this site hard to navigate.

  2. Sounds interesting however we wish to tour and record
    Same influences
    Pro gear and transport
    Same ages

    Get in touch

  3. Hope you managed to find a band Jez!

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