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Lead Vocalist / Front Man Required

We are looking for a vocalist/front man to join us in forming a new ’77 style punk band playing mainly original material – Influences: The Clash, The Ruts, The Ramones, The Adverts, The Skids, 999, SLF, Sex Pistols, The Damned etc
So far we have Bass, Drums & Guitar covered but need an energetic front man/ lead vocal. If you can play a bit of guitar and help write songs even better, but vocals the key element.
We are all in our early to mid 50’s and the main driver is fun, but we want to get out and play on the punk circuit. The three of us in the last year in a previous band played gigs with 999, Angelic Upstarts, Dirt Box Disco, The Generators and The Heavy Drapes.
If you are interested and fancy a chat get in touch

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Rapper here who can sing

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