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New earcandy Act Owners for Manchester & Scotland Wanted

Bored of being ‘just another’ musician?
Think you are capable of more?
Then it’s time to become an earcandy Act Owner

At earcandy we provide our clients with first rate live music for weddings, parties and corporate events. earcandy was set up with crucial values at its heart, we care for our clients and always strive to give them the ultimate experience.
What is in it for you?
A successful earcandy Act Owner can earn a regular, sustainable and rewarding income. He or she will be expected to put together a band, based on earcandys concepts, to understand and follow a set event structure, to style the overall look of the act and to show a strong sense of professionalism and initiative.
You will have the opportunity to manage regularly shows throughout the year as well as being an active part of a supportive, fast growing company.

What kind of person are we looking for?
You will need to demonstrate professionalism and control over your events as well as offering an creative input with your band.
In addition you will need to show strong management skills in order to oversee each event, secure yourself regular work whilst always being the first in line to perform with your band.
We are looking for performers who can build a reputation for exceptional musicianship and showmanship, demonstrate wonderful people skills for interacting with our clients and can lead by example while assuring first class entertainment for our clients.

What to do next?
If you think this sounds like you then all you have to do is follow the link below and fill out an online application form telling us why we should come and meet you for an audition.

—- Auditions will be held in January 2013 —-

Please click this link:

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