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Songwriter looking for vocalist/band

Hi. I am an amateur writer of poetry and songs in both English & Spanish. I am looking for a vocalist or a band that would be interested in interpreting my songs. I have six albums ready (5+1 as one is bilingual English/Spanish). I consider my style poetic and melodic as well as originally insightful in the message. I am on Soundcloud as Fabrizio_De_Rodriguez. Anyone interested, please get in touch. Thanks. FDR

Comments ( 4 )

  1. I’m a songwriter too. He is my link. Maybe we should all on collaborate on something? 🙂

  2. I have always had an interest in the music industry and would love to be involved, I would be dedicated and willing to do anything needed of me. Unfortunately I do not yet have any real experience but would be greatful for a chance.

  3. Hi Jordie and thanks for your interest. Do you have a link where I could have a listen to anything of yours, or any sample you could send me?
    Have a good day!

  4. Hi there! I’m a singer/songwriter and am very interested in interpreting your work, at the moment especially I’ve been dying to convert some poetry into music ! 🙂

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