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Vocalist / Acoustic Guitarist Wanted

We are a group of retired mature 60’s + musicians based in Scunthorpe ( Nth Lincs) playing mostly late 50’s early 60’s music & we are looking for a singer who also plays acoustic rhythm guitar. We are a mixed group so would welcome a guy or gal.

Our group is called “Blast From The Past” & we are really a casual social band who meet up each Friday morning to practice, play & have fun. Whilst we are not a regular giging band we do play free concerts to other local groups purely for the joy of performing. We do have a singer/guitarist but as he works he can’t come to our Friday sessions. He does, however come to most of our concerts where we mix in songs & instrumentals. A second singer would let us develop more songs on Fridays & also share the singing on concerts as well

Ideally we would suit someone who is retired, living locally & is free on Friday mornings. Perhaps you used to be in a band but just can’t be bothered with all that giging any more but would still like to play with others in a friendly atmosphere. On the other hand perhaps you are a solo player who would like to join in with us & experience the fun of playing in a group.


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