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Alternative dream pop artist seeks musicians for gigs/touring

I’m a 22 year old Alternative artist who has had recent works featured in Wonderland and Clash magazine, a good fan base and over 100k in Soundcloud plays in total. I need to form a band for live performances and online recording sessions. We would practice once a week at a world renowned recording studio in West London. Expenses are not paid, however fee paying performances will be split, clothing endorsements are available and studio recording for your own work during downtime too.

I’m essentially looking for talented sessions musicians who are flexible and driven.

Specifics –

Drummer – with SPD and confident in its use (its primarly live drums however SPD will be used to triggar/layer samples)
Bassist – preferably someone who can sing also
Pianist – preferably has their own synth, although I have a Juno G that can be used, being able to sing backing vocals is a bonus but not a must
Guitarist – with own pedals, fender spring reverb, chorus etc

If this sounds interesting to you please reach me on


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