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This is Drowning Pegasus.

We are an electronic/industrial rock band from Swindon. We are now looking for a BASSIST, GUITARIST and SYNTH/KEYBOARD PLAYER to complete our line up in order to start doing live shows across the UK.

Anyone interested needs to meet these requirements:

• Be between the ages of 18-30

• Happy and willing to be part of promotional factors such as photo shoots, videos and interviews.

• Competent players able to efficiently learn their required parts to the songs.

• Need to have their own instruments.

All travel and accommodation costs for gigs will be covered. Musicians involved will gain equal share of revenue generated from gigs.

Backing tracks will be supplied in order for you to easily learn your specific parts to the songs.

This would be a great opportunity for any musicians who meet this criteria who are looking to gain experience in the music industry.

PM or email me if interested:

Many thanks, and hope to hear from you soon!

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