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Experienced Lead Guitarist/Songwriter Available – Blues/Rock

Experienced Lead Guitarist/Songwriter Available – Blues/Rock, original music preferred, but I don’t mind a couple of covers. Ex – session player & film/tv composer. Great gear & transport. Aged 49. Looking for others to put together an original band, or to join an existing band, with a view to gigs in London/SE & Europe. Good contacts & pro attitude. Great gear, transport and access to pro recording facilities, along with the ability to record & produce to release standard at home. Own transport.

Influences are far too many to list here, but I’m thinking modern blues/rock, not dissimilar to King King, but sometimes heavier, sometimes lighter…often with a groove. Would love to work with a Hammond/keys player and Brass. Listening to a lot of Marcus King at the moment, along with the Tedeschi/Trucks Band, but am quite influenced by AC/DC, Deep Purple, Hendrix, SRV, Free/Bad Co., Thin Lizzy, UFO, etc. I just love music!

If you are interested then please contact me for more info. asap -I’m keen to get going!

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