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female vocalist available

Hi there,

I’m looking to develop my passion for singing beyond a personal level e.g. join a band and or record. I’m a student in Brighton so looking for something within that area. I will most likely be available in the evenings and weekends.

I had singing lessons from the age of 10 where I was classically trained despite that not being my preferred style of singing now. I have achieved several music grades (up to 6) where I achieved distinction in most of them. Performing to an audience, doing concerts and recordings is something I am at ease with. I would therefore love to be part of a band, busk and participate in open mic nights and gigs.

I am an alto singer who is described as having “deep and gravely undertones.”
You can check out one of my recordings on youtube:

I am willing to be pushed out of my comfort zone and develop as a singer. I am a determined and motivated individual so therefore willing to take any challenge!

Please don’t hesitate to leave a response and I will hopefully get back to you as soon as possible!


Comment ( 1 )

  1. Darran Bridge

    We are currently looking for a female singer to sing and write on our follow up album.
    Our band was originally from the 80’s and have just reformed due to our debut album being released,
    We are working on a follow up and are in need of someone to record and perform live.

    If you are interested please contact me
    Many thanks

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