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Lead Guitarist Available

Hi guys, I am a lead guitarist. I was previously in an originals rock band based in Dorset for which I wrote music. This band has now sadly come to an end, so I am looking for a new band to join or singer to work and write with (male or female). I am open to ideas and I am willing to travel within reason for the right opportunity. I tend to like rock, symphonic rock and the odd bit of metal. I am also open to other options such as a pop artist perhaps looking for a guitarist to add a bit of edge to their music. I am also classically trained, so a bit of neo classical has influenced my lead guitar playing style and I can play acoustic guitar well.

Please have a listen to the tracks I have uploaded on my Bandmix page:

These are all original songs, plus a demo track of a few of my guitar solos, just to show my playing standard. Heavier stuff that I have written is available on request.
I have excellent equipment and transport.

Please get in touch if you need more info.
You can email me at

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Kevin Paul Tucker
    April 9, 2021 at 2:28 pm

    I am a lead guitarist looking for a band. Check out my playing and writing ability at:

    Please email


  2. Hi we are a London Band looking for lead guitar player

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