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Bass player available

Experienced bass player with backing vox, seeks working band in the South/Mid Devon areas. Experienced across many genres, including 60/70s soul, classic rock, pop and 80s, tribute, country, backing cabaret etc. I’m not into thrash, hip hop, rap.

Normally playing Fender bass, including fretless and 5 string, MarkBass amp,Bergatino cabs, pedals as and when needed. Enthusiastic and committed player, transport, able to rehearse and play with no issues. give me a shout if you need someone, cheers Craig.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. And the Sunset Burns
    January 14, 2019 at 11:50 am

    Hi mate! We’re an emergent rock band based in South Wimbledon currently looking for a bass player. Check out our last live show and let us know if you’re interested in meet us!

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