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Singer looking for a guitar player or a rock band

I’m Jen, a full time singer and performing artist. I come from Paris and I’ve been living in London for 1year and a half. I used to sing in an alternative rock/metal band in France called “Furykane”. Over the past ten years I’ve performed at many venues and festivals and recorded two eps and two albums with this band.

Now I’m in London (Stoke Newington) and I’m looking for a minimalist rock band like Deap Vally, The Black keys, the Kills…
I’m looking for musicians with a professional approach who really want to start a new project, play a lot and record.

My last video clip:
My Soundcloud page:
My website:
My email address:

Looking forward to reading you!

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hi Jen. I’m a guitarist based in Surrey and I’m looking for a new band. I think you and I have similar tastes. Any luck in finding what you’re looking for?


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