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Vocalist looking for band.

I’m looking for a band or for members to form a band around South-Wales or maybe in Bristol, as a vocalist. Traveling is not a problem.
Proggy metalcore, djenty stuff and melodic hardcore are my preferences, so I don’t want to play hard rock, heavy metal, thrash metal, etc. Please check my references at the end of this post before you drop me a message.
I don’t want to be famous and I don’t want to create profitable music. I just want to make friends, have some fun, create something special, something heartfelt and I want to enjoy the vibe of live music. I want to enjoy the freedom of heavy music. I want to express my feelings. I want to give it all away.
I have about ten years of experience with bands on stage and in studio. I’m happy to write music and lyrics, and I have my own gear to record demos.

Bands I really like: Silent Planet, Northlane, Architects, Novelists, In Hearts Wake, Periphery, Monuments, Being as an Ocean, Casey, Devil Sold His Soul, Departures, Worthwhile, Burning Down Alaska, Polar, Acres, Napoleon, Intervals and many more.

If you are not intrested, or you don’t play music but you have musican friends around the area, please share this post.

A song, made with my mate:

My previous band:

My latest solo album:

Some really shit vocal covers:

Thank you,

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hello, I am Abraham lead guitarist, bassist and general composer in my project “Vangrave”, I am looking bands members or a group in which they are interested in a good composer and musician, whether it be lyrics, voice melodies, bass, solos, riffs or If you are interested Just in a Bassist or Guitar player Its fine too

    here I leave you some songs in which I record the bass and the guitars and of which I am the general composer, lyrics, vocals, guitars and basses (except the drums).

    As an alternate thing these songs could be incorporated and be part of the repertoire of your group, but my interest is more to find a band to join and contribute with my skills.

    Btw… I’m open to move to the city that I has to work

    Greetings and a hug brother.

    “Alter ego”

    “Finales Alternos”


    “Devoradores de Sueños”

    Contact me:

  2. hi im chloe and I would like to meet up with you and record some demos what do you think ?

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