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Vocalist looking for a band

Vocalist looking for a band

Hi! my name is Sophie Barnett and I’m 20 years old, I’m a lead vocalist, I play trumpet and I can play a wee bit of keyboard too. I’m looking to join a band of fun and upbeat people who just love to have fun and perform. I enjoy singing songs by Adele as i feel like they really suit my voice, the more ballad style songs i feel fit my voice well. However i really enjoy music from the 70’s and 80’s era from the huge powerhouses like Queen, Bowie and Prince. Ive been playing music since secondary school however i have as of 2020 qualified with a HND in music from North east Scotland college and focused on vocals as my main instrument. Ive done a few gigs through college and was given the chance to play at the opening event of the P&J live in Aberdeen.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Kate Clarey Rose Darling Taylor
    May 20, 2021 at 11:46 am

    Hi sophie I’m kate my wish is I want to be a singer songwriter I’m so hesitant to tell this can you please select me I’m a girl too can you please select me contact me by my mail

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