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Accordion Player wanted for folk-rock band Glos/Mon

We’re looking for an accordion/box player for our folk/rock band. Doing mostly traditional material but lots of influences. Early days so nothing recorded yet, but there’s a video on our website here. Cheers, Matt.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Not sure if this got sent from my email account so just copying here 🙂

    Hi John

    Good to hear from you.
    We’re based mainly in the Forest of Dean Glos. whereabouts are you?
    Give us a call if you’d like to have a chat on 01600 772776

    Best regards
    Matt Powell

  2. Hello, my name is John Charnley and I can play both piano/keyboard as well as accordion. I would firstly like to know which area you live in, could you inform me where you are based before I make a decision. Thanks, hope the group forms successfully.

    John Charnley

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