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Aerosmith Tribute seeks “Steven Tyler” for meaningful LTR

Aerosmith tribute requires rock vocalist with the range and charisma to deliver an authentic Aerosmith experience. Drums, bass and guitars ready to go. Vocalist needed to complete line up.

If you think you can do a good Steven Tyler, get in touch.

Looking to do auditions October/November.

Goal of band is festivals and ticketed venues. Good contacts established already from previous projects. MP3s of rehearsals (instrumental obviously) available if you’re serious.

All members are experienced, talented musos and we’re going for tribute level rather than just doing covers.  The band rehearses at Pirate Studios in Cheltenham however is prepared to rotate around different rehearsal venues if required.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. If you ever need another guitarist please let me know.
    Touring guitarist of 12 years experience.

    Aerosmith was my first band growing up! I know them inside and out.


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