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Alt Rock/Indie Band


I’m a 20 year old drummer in south west London looking for musicians to form a band.

I’ve got some ideas and lyrics I’ve been working on so I am looking for some like minded people to make them awesome and work on stuff we all have an input with!

Experience is not essential but commitment, I’m not unrealistic but would like to push this quite far.

Sound direction im looking towards is something like Catfish and the Bottlemen mixed Royal Blood but with bigger drops like Foals so music that is gonna hit hard with groove and riffs.

If your interested or would like some more info please drop me a message.


Comments ( 4 )

  1.  Hi Ryan, got your email regarding my advert for forming a band. I tried messaging you on the number you supplied but it was for someone else! Tbh I forgot all the places I had posted the ad so thanks for reaching out. I’ve changed the ad a little a bit most of it remains correct so if you’re still interested I can send over the revised version. 
    Cheers, Joe

  2. Hi Joe. I am looking for a drummer for something similar to what you want to do. Currently got a few ideas of my own on demos. Call/text me 07535517561

  3. op1234

    I am a rhythm and lead guitarist and have played in bands in the past. I’m into pop, rock, blues. I like trying to write hooks and finding grooves. Send me a message maybe we can meet up and give it a go!

  4. hai! I’m a singer looking to form a band. I’m interested so could you contact me asap? Thank you!

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