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Alternative Rock/Grunge Artist Searching for Vocalist

Autoplastic is an Art Rock/Grunge/Gloom Pop project that I have created. I know, it’s awesome! So why am I here? Well, I am interested in finding a vocalist (preferably female but depends on vocal style) to take the band forwards with. I enjoy being creative and over time I have written a collection of songs/lyrics (basically we already have a full set list of material). There is room for creativity as well if you want to fill the vacancy.

I’m the guitarist, I have a bassist on board which is cool and I am up for having a laugh and enjoying life as we go so if you have a sense of humour then you will probably fit in! Please only contact me if you are genuinely interested and widely available to rehearse/write on a weekly basis. This way we could end up playing some amazing gigs and having fun while doing it! Probably looking for someone who is of a similar age group to us (20’s to 30’s). Search for ‘autoplasticband soundcloud’ to get a feel for the vibe. The vocal melodies etc. can always be changed to accommodate the next vocalist. Based in Glastonbury but have been practicing in Bristol. We have transport and gear 🙂

Some influences include: Nirvana, Velvet Underground, The Ghost Ease, Beverly, Hole, Dilly Dally, Weaves, Le Butcherettes, Opeth, Honeyblood, Muffs, David Bowie, Muse, Jack Off Jill, Girlpool, System Of A Down, QOTSA, The Sugarcubes, Tacocat, Babes In Toyland, Alice In Chains, Best Coast, Radiohead, Metric, La Sera…

Please contact with some information about yourself if interested and ideally a link to a demo. I’m more interested in personality/vibe than outright ability 🙂

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi I am a singer also based in Glastonbury if you would like to meet 01458 898637
    Here is a demo Please listen to the song BODY GIRL on this page — another band I am in :

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