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Avenged Sevenfold Tribute Band

Hi, I’m looking to start up an Avenged Sevenfold Tribute Band and I’m looking for members. I’ve messaged a few different people but not heard back from them so I’m going to assume I will need a full band. I need a Zacky V (Rhythm Guitarist who can do some backing vocals), Jonny Christ (Bass), The Rev – Drums (Backing Vocals are optional), M. Shadows (Vocalist who can sing Avenged Sevenfold songs from most if not all albums).

The main idea for the band is to go as far as we can and play as much as we can. Think you have what it takes? Drop me an email or a text. – 07960215386

Comments ( 7 )

  1. UPDATE: Rhythm Guitarist Position Has Now Been Filled. Remaining Positions:
    – Bassist
    – Vocalist


  2. Hi Ollie,

    No sorry I’m in Darlington right near Newcastle.


    • Aaah I wish I lived closer. I’m in south London. I visited Darlington a few years ago, beautiful part of the country. Unless I can Skype the vocals to rehearsals, I won’t be able to join unfortunately.

      All the best, Rob, a great band to cover!

  3. Hi Rob, where are you based? Anywhere near London?


  4. UPDATE: Drummer position has been filled. Still looking for the other members!

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