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BASS PLAYER & DRUMMER wanted for Rock Metal band & Covers band for paid gigs

Seeking London based Musicians for Rock /Metal side project. My band ESTRANGOR are looking to form a covers band for paid gigs alongside our original stuff. Influences include Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Pantera, Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, System of a Down, Rainbow, Deep Purple etc.
We will be doing paid covers gigs alongside our originals gigs, so require a good deal of commitment. We plan to record & tour with originals, we already have a following & pro photographer who films all of our gigs for promotion.

I have my own rehearsal space in Bromley, but willing to meet in the middle (Central London ish) for the right people. Must have own equipment, be up for a laugh, & creative input would be great for original songs! Hit me up if you’re up for it

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