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Bass Player needed for exciting original band

Bass player needed for exciting original Indie Rock band The Marigolds.
We’ve just recorded our first 4 track EP, we have photos planned and a video and we want to get cracking in the rehearsal room to get out live.

The songs are sounding massive and There are two links we’ve created so you can hear what we are up to
Or youtube The Marigolds – clip round the ear and inside out.

We dont care about age or gender you just need to fit in and be committed, we dont need a songwriter or anyone to record us, we do everything in house, all you have to do is love it for what it is and come and play some thumping bass.
We’re not kids we’re experienced players with industry backgrounds and we’re looking to make some noise and create a buzz.
Get in touch. please no timewasters.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Rich Bass

    Where abouts are you?

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