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Bassist Wanted

We are a London based band with an array of ideas and songs. We have have recorded, gigged and released music off our own bat. We have full control of the input and encourage anyone with a head full of ideas and the drive to progress to contact us to arrange an audition. We have roots back into the indie punk scene of the early eighties. We create passionate and captivating music.
We are currently having to put a few gigs on hold due to our bassist leaving to pursue his Jazz career.
You do not have to be an accomplished and polished musician just have a desire to create something. Please get in touch age range 35+preferred.
Get in touch you never know where it all may lead.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi, I’m a guitarist/bassist/composer/songwriter/video editor from INDIA and I’m
    looking for bands/projects where I could join..I have good experience of live and
    in studio. I am willing to relocate if necessary. I am looking
    for serious and ambitious work.

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