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Bassist wanted to complete top level function line-up!

Talented, friendly bassist with great sounding gear and own transport needed to complete a top flight function band. We are aiming high with this one, already having hand-picked the finest musicians we can muster (drums, vox, guitar x2, keys).  We’ll be playing mainly more recent (90’s onwards) dance floor fillers to cater for corporate/wedding/functions at the top of the pay-scale.  Hampshire/Surrey based, rehearsals Basingstoke area or wherever fits.  We want to get this up and running as fast as humanly possible, so if you’re a fast learner up for making some money from your music and having a laugh at the same time, do get in touch.   🙂

Comments ( 3 )

  1. DD

    I am a professional bass player currently living in Berkshire. I have played in many a top flight function band and am interested in your ad, so please get in touch.
    All the best,
    Dale Davis

    • Hi Dale, many thanks for your reply, sounds great! Do you have any video/audio of your playing? It’d be good to have a phone chat with you, is my email if you’d to private message me.



  2. Hi,
    I’m a uk based bass player, and I’m interested in your band!

    I have a 1st class degree from the Royal Welsh college of Music in Cardiff, and my own professional gear and transport.

    Theres loads of info on my website but my website does center around my double bass playing. for some videos of me playing electric bass please see below:

    and for my cv please see:

    Pete Komor

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