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Big Mouth Blues and Blues groove band auditioning for Male Vocalist Frontman URGENTLY!

Big Mouth 3 peice Blues and Blues groove band are urgently auditioning NOW! for a male vocalist.

Own rehearsal space based in West Chiltington/West Sussex.

Must have your own transport and be experienced in singing this genre to a proper standard.

See below for tracks for audition….

We play the tracks solid and with feel, soul groove and power so it’s our sound we are putting on them.. Which sounds meaty, punchy and tight.

If you can get to this, and sing the tracks to a serious standard with soul and feel power and deliver each track we are doing with the correct phrasing arrange an audition ASAP.

Gigs waiting once we have the right frontman for us!

This band is pro level players and we are aiming to do blues festivals next year and get into decent venues as well as do the outdoor pub gigs this year.

Private message me links of stuff you have of yourself singing and we can go from there if meets the standard we are looking for. 👍



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