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Calling all drummers and guitarists – we want to hear from you!

We are looking for a drummer with double-kick pedal capability. You must have own transport and equipment.

We are also looking for a female guitarist who can also sing, to support the vocalist.

For both roles, commitment is a fundamental requirement for this project. We are looking for open-minded, creative and communicative individuals who like to make great music and have fun!

If you are influenced by bands similar to Animals as Leaders, Lamb of God, Audioslave, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Evanescence, Faith no more…

We want to hear from you!

Get in touch, send us a message… you got nothing to lose!

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hi everyone,

    first of all, thanks for the message, Oliver, I’ve sent you a text.

    For all drummers and female guitarists/vocalists, please copy and paste the whole link in the first post, or alternatively, copy and paste the following in your browser.

    Many thanks for all responses so far. I’ll keep you all posted.

  2. Hi there can you text me on 07933276591. As your link won’t load
    Was going to ask about the drumming position

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