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Calling Musicians/Vocalists

We are a business partnership creating pre-recorded productions for schools. In 2016 we will be using traditional children’s songs (so no actual song-writing involved, just original arrangements), as well as vocals for several upcoming productions. We are now in the process of setting up a sound file library, to store all samples sent in. These will be referred to when matching musicians and vocalists to each song to be recorded. We will then approach selected musicians/vocalists and offer a flat rate per song commissioned and for the copyright. Commissons will take place throughout 2016, so samples will need to be sent before 1st January 2016. If you would like to be included in the sample library, please do the following: Musicians: Music will be created via synthesiser only, so please send one (or more than one version if you wish) synthesised version of a verse and chorus of the Christmas song ‘Little Donkey’. We are looking for a nice, fat sound, incorporating different instruments, with a sentimental/Christmassy feel. Vocalists: Please send a purely vocal rendition of the first verse of ‘Silent Night’. Files should be sent via to

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