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Cambridge metal band looking for confident vocalist – male or female

Hi there,

We’re a 3 piece band (guitar, bass, and drums), with a second guitarist potentially joining soon, in need of a confident vocalist to help sculpt our music. We’ve been playing together for 3 months and now need a singer and songwriter to help with structure.

As we’re a relatively new group, there’s plenty of room to make your mark. We’re committed but most of all we are simply passionate about writing music we enjoy and can be proud of. All that matters is you’re motivated and can sing/scream/do your thing well!

We practice every Tuesday night at Half Ton Studios in Cambridge, and are hoping to be gigging by June/July. If age matters to you, our current age range is 25-32. Prior gig experience isn’t required.

If we sound like a group you’d enjoy, leave a message. If you have any recordings if your singing that’s be really helpful.


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