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Christian musicians wanted

A Christian singer is looking for bassists, guitarists, pianists, drummers and violinists (similar string instrument players) for ep and performances.

Must be Christians-this is a necessity

Comments ( 8 )

  1. Hi Nichole
    I am a committed Christian,don’t know if I can help but I’m a drummer, vocalist and writer, that said I’m not terribly local. It looks like you are facing exactly the same problems as I am. What do you need?

  2. Hi Nichole
    Did you track down the people you needed?

  3. Would be about 2 and half hour drive for me..
    Its absolutely do-able

  4. Hi guys thanks for replying. I’m based in West Yorkshire. Is this problematic for either of you???


  5. Experienced bass player available (committed christian) based in Coventry.

  6. Experienced Christian bass player available. Based Chelmsford, mid-Essex.

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