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Circle Of Reason, (Alt Rock band) looking for a bass player

Circle Of Reason are looking for a bass player

Own gear essential
Must be motivated and willing to learn our back catalogue of songs and our new material which is being recorded in the summer and is set for release later on this year.

Must be up for gigs/touring a lot (especially next year)

We will be shooting music videos to accompany new releases so must be up for being involved in videos.

The ability to sing well is a massive bonus
Driving license a bonus
Must be willing to co own our crappy van Wink

A bit about us.

We’ve embarked on numerous UK tours (self booked)
Played festivals such as Takedown Festival, Kerrang Summer radio festival, Weyfest, Gosport festival etc

Had the pleasure of playing with bands such as

Neck Deep
Arcane Roots
Mallory Knox
Feed The Rhino

and many more

These are our music video/singles we have release so far (Played on Scuzz TV) (Played on Scuzz and Kerrang TV) (Played on Kerrang TV) (Played on Scuzz TV)

We have released 2 ep’s
A Favour For A Stranger
These Hands And This Mind

Social sites

We are looking for someone who is dedicated, driven, hard working, enthusiastic and committed!

We spend more on the band than we make at the moment, so someone who is willing to share the financial load with us is important.

If your interested please get in touch and we’ll get back to you asap.


Circle Of Reason.

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