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Double bassist required

I am looking for a double bassist to complete a band. We will be a working band so we will be relatively commercial. However, the basic style is jazzy, soulful hip hop cover versions of British alternative pop/rock since 1978.
Indicative artists to cover are: Elvis Costello, The Police, Joy Division, China Crisis, Prefab Sprout, The Clash, The Jam, The Wild Swans, Tears for Fears, Eurythmics, Blur, Massive Attack and Amy Winehouse.
Beats will be provided by a real drummer but also an Akai MPC.
I’ve been out of the music scene for a few years but I’ve been nurturing this project for a while and I’m keen to take it to the next level.
Please get in touch I’d love to hear from you.
I guess I ought to add that I’m 50 that might be an issue for some.

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