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Driven Serious Folk-Rock band need fiddle player based North East

Driven Serious are still in need of a fiddle player to take over by June 2019.
We’re broadly folk-rock or punk-folk, and well known for our energetic performances that has given us high billing and headlining at festivals.
The right person needs to be confident on stage and be able to learn relatively quickly. The ability to chop is important. You’ll be a full member of the band, helping evolve our sound and arrangements. We’re a few songs away from recording our second album.
You’ll have 6 months to come to terms with a set of 12 tracks that may include some of our covers, with another 6 by the end of August. Pay varies between £250 to £500 for the 5 of us for a gig.
Please message me if you’re interested. In the meantime, just search everywhere on the internet. You could start with

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