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drummer and bass player wanted for tribute band

Hello Everyone
Due to a recent surprise line up change G-Force require a permanent bass player and drummer. G-Force is a tribute to Gary Moore’s Rock/Metal years through the 1970’s and 80’s. No blues. We do his hits as well as his rocking tunes. We capture the energy, atmosphere and class of Gary Moore at his rocking best. We are North East UK based and rehearse in Washington.
We gig regular but not every weekend. We would prefer someone with no existing commitments however it may suit someone looking for a 2nd band who is prepared to give the time and energy necessary to make this work. Requirements: A great standard of playing, pro attitude, great gear, own transport and must commit long term. Being able to sing is a definite bonus. We are looking to get sorted asap.
Any questions feel free to message us direct.
Cheers n Beers

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