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Drummer and Bassist Needed for Solo Project


I’m a full-time professional musician looking for a drummer and bassist to play live for my solo project – kind of going for a cross between Ray Charles and Bowie if you can imagine such a thing. Will be swapping between guitar and keys myself and in time will want to get other members on board as well.

I’m keen to get this going and once I have the musicians in place I will be full steam ahead 🙂


Comment ( 1 )

  1. I’m enjoying the songs you’ve posted on your FB page. I’m sure you’ll make it beyond 26 – I certainly did. In the light of what I’ve listened to so far, I can imagine a Charles/Bowie “sounds-like”. You’ll want a grooving rhythm section, and the reggae band I’ve been playing bass with for 18 months has just split. and….

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