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Drummer looking for musicians

I am Hugo , I study music in London and I have played the drums for 13 years .

I am looking for musicians around my age (19) ,fully involved in the band who want to become professionals.

My influences are the heavy-metal (Black sabbath ,Judas Priest) , the thrash-metal(Exodus , Metallica), the Black metal(Inquisition ,Taake).

Let me know if you are interested!



Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hello , my metal band is looking for a drummer we are influenced by slipknot , asking Alexandria and other types of metal. We are from Enfield , north London.

  2. Hey Hugo, I’m a 24 yo guitar player and can also sing, influenced by thrash metal , NWOBHM and also band like pantera or queensryche, looking for a drummer. I’ve got several songs written if you are interested drop me a text.

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