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Harmony Disorder, an established melodic death/metalcore band, based in Swindon, is looking for a drummer to start behind the kit from February! So any time from now, so we can go through any training necessary to start hitting the road in February!
We have toured the UK and Europe, released a debut album, signed to a label and are planning a short UK run for March so there’s a lot for you to look forward to if you’re interested.
It’s essential for you to be involved with metal music in some way, play fast and hard (ooarr) with double bass, practice once a week (Saturday or Sunday evening, we’re flexible!), have your own gear and actually be KEEN for playing gigs. We shuffle around our jobs, call in sick and all sorts to play shows so we’d expect a communal commitment. We’re aiming high for 2015 so it’d be awesome to have a new dude with us for the ride!
If you’re interested, or know any one that would be, please contact us and share this around !

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