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Drummer Wanted for Gigging Reggae Band

Hi! We’re looking for a new drummer to join us. We play reggae covers and have dates throughout the year to cover, with the right drummer! We look forward to hearing from nice drummers that are confident in reggae style.


Comments ( 2 )

  1. I am a drummer specialising in reggae music for the past 3 years in London. Having been in Shoreditch, I love playing with reggae musicians and it’s a passion of mine. I just play the music, I read it, and I feel it.

    • Good Day to you Reggae Lovers I am A Authentic / traditional 1980s Reggae Bass Player / Drummer Available
      ( London Greenwich Area) I am looking for similar minded people with a love for trad Reggae from the the late 70s and 80s era. My main influences and styles of playing are inspired by the iconic players of this period, Family Man Barrett and Robbie Shakespeare. My band influences are vary vast but to name a few : The Wailers, Israel Vibrations, Black Uhuru, Mighty Diamonds Black Roots, Twinkle Brothers etc etc/ /Vocalist, Dennis Brown, Jimmy Cliff, Ina Kamoze. Gregory Issac.U Roy. etc etc. If you are in need of a well seasoned professional. PLEASE feel free to contact me. Daniel.

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