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Drummer wanted for Punk Rock / Indie band!


The New Heat is currently looking for a new drummer!

We’ve recently finished our first EP and are ready to release it within the next few weeks. We’re an ambitious bunch, aged 25-29, all pretty spread out around London. We usually practice at Pirate Studios in Earlsfield, but seeing as we live spread out we’re pretty flexible.

Have a listen to the first single off our debut EP on: . Nevermind the terrible “logo”. We’re working on it!

We’re also currently writing new material, a lot of which are very different to this kinda thing. We wanna mix it up. Anyway, we’ll get you up to speed quick enough. Also, we’ve been playing tons of gigs locally (and one in Nottingham, heh) for the past year, but we are looking at booking more out of town and possibly out of country shows as soon as we get a new permanent drummer in place.

SO, about you:

– Ambition
– Time
– Ability to hit skins with sticks (preferably in time)
– Own gear (at least breakables). Dude. Seriously.

– Backing vocals
– A driver’s license (car would be godly)
– Be a fun guy / gal
– A desire to assist and take part in administrative duties concerning the band and its day to day operations.

SOO get in touch if you’re interested!! E-mail and tell us a bit about yourself.

Big love,

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