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Drummer wanted for recording & gigging post punk band

We’re a writing and gigging post-punk band, currently working on our second album to record and mix over summer. Our line up is 2 x guitar / vocals and 1 x bass, and we all live close to each other in Burley, Leeds.

We’re passionate about what we do, and practice, write and play shows regularly.

Our main influences are: Fugazi, Self Defense Family, Unwound, Talking Heads, Lungfish, Joy Division, Swans, Slint

We all love different kinds of music too including Electronic, Jazz, Classical and Metal.

We have released an album on a relatively well known label, and are looking to write and record a follow up in 2016.

We have played shows across the UK and Europe, and aim to do many more this year.

We all work full time, and have transport.

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