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Drummer, West Dorset seeks band/musicians

Drummer, West Dorset, Beaminster 49 years old, male.

Seeking band/musicians for rock, metal, prog rock, hardcore/post hardcore, blues rock or similar (originals only). Own kit & transport plenty of experience in recording/touring/gigging.

Influences/interests; Tool, A Perfect Circle, Clutch, The Mars Volta, QOTSA, Goatsnake, Into Another, June of 44, NoMeansNo, Rammstein, Sepultura, Quicksand.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hi
    Im in warminster , I play my own material I have been in a barn by myself lol.

    Looking for a band but it seems a difficult venture, I have put ads out, I got one drummer who thought the world evolved around him, I need to grow a band and I have a barn I rent out long term.
    I play rock, blues, punk type jazz but, need other members for inspiration ,ideas etc
    If you feel like working with an novice here I am. Regards steve.

    • Hi Steve

      Thanks for your message.

      I actually found a band pretty quickly & have been with them since October so I’m not available anymore I’m afraid. Plus I live near Bridport so you are 50+ miles away, otherwise I would have been interested.

      I know it can be difficult finding band members but I can testrify that this site does work, it’s also worth joining some Facebook groups too & posting there, good luck!


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