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Bassist Looking for Prog/Metal Band

Hey all

I’m a bass player looking for a hard hitting rock/metal band who are looking for someone to complete their rhythm section. My main influences are modern metal/prog players from the likes of Justin Chancellor, John Stockman, Amos Williams and Adam ‘Nolly’ Get Good. I can play both with a plectrum and with fingers, depending on what the song needs.

I have two Ibanez basses, I have a GSR200B 4 string bass, which I tend to tune to Drop C/C Standard and an Ibanez SR504EQM 5 string bass, which I usually have tuned to either B standard, or Drop A. My pedalboard consists of a Darkglass Super Symmetry compressor to keep a handle on the dynamics of the bass tone. For pre-amp/distortion, I use a Darkglass Alpha Omega Ultra.

I’m easy when it comes to meeting up and rehearsing. I am in a rock covers band I practice with every Wednesday, but every other day of the week, I am generally able to practice. I have a steady 9-5 job and have no problems coming to practice straight from work.

Looking for any kind of hard hitting band, be it covers or original; I’m happy to contribute to writing if that is the case. I’m a pretty quick learner for new tracks, and can pick up lots playing by ear.

If you are also lacking a drummer, a friend of mine is a very talented drummer and we always lock in well together as a rhythm section.

Feel free to message me and we’ll swap contact details to chat over WhatsApp, or over the phone.


Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi Will, hope you’re well? My name’s Kai and I’ve just started looking for band members for my latest project Cosmic Cold War. After reading your ad I think you may be the perfect fit for the band, as the music is influenced by the likes of Tool and Soen, alongside some other more traditional heavy metal bands like Metallica, Pantera and Machine Head.

    I’m not sure if you’re still looking to join any acts, but I’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in chatting further. You can listen to all demos released so far on the Cosmic Cold War YouTube channel:

    The track that you may be interested in most to begin with is also titled “Cosmic Cold War”. It’s 10 minute of Prog Metal, what can I say?

    Where are you based? And is the drummer that you’re good friends with still looking for acts as well?

    Feel free to give me a call on 07540 498 079 if you’d like to chat further.

    Thanks Will, look forward to hearing from you.


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