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Established Girl Band looking for female singer

Established girl group, looking for one British female singer aged between 21 and 28 to complete the line up.

Ability to harmonise
100% commitment
Extremly hardworking with determination and drive to go all the way.
Be willing to start asap
Be able to travel

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Hello I have a girlband and we are pop/r&b. It’s me and another girl. We have a producer and his song was played on love island and he had written unreleased songs for the pussycat dolls. If interested message me my number is 07503417584

  2. Hey, I’m interested in hearing more if you’re still looking. I’m 24 and vocally trained, can harmonise really well and have a good ear for music. See my website for more info or email me!

  3. Hi.
    My name is Karina, and I’m interested, but can you tell me what kind of music you make? Thanks 🙂

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